highway trust fund

holiday traffic

Infrastructure in the News: Over the River and Through the Skies, to Grandmother’s House We Go

Does it seem like holiday travel becomes more overwhelming each year? You’re not imagining it. According to  AAA, nearly 49 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home between Wednesday Nov. 23, and Sunday, Nov. 27, making it the highest number of Thanksgiving travelers in nine years. Whether the increase is from cheaper......

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Gas Pump: Tax Increase in South Carolina

With Gas Prices Low, Congress Has Opportunity to #FixTheTrustFund

Last month’s average gas price in the U.S. was the lowest for July since 2004. Cheap gas coupled with an improved economy is spurring Americans to drive more. After a decrease during the recession, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is climbing again. Summer is the busiest time on U.S. roads and many drivers will find themselves......

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interstate 70 wearing birthday hat

Happy 60th Birthday, Interstate Highway System!

Sixty years ago today President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and in doing so created the Interstate Highway System. President Eisenhower explained the necessity of an interstate system in a 1955 statement to Congress: “Together, the uniting forces of our communication and transportation systems are dynamic elements in the very......

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steps to the capital

House Passes Resolution Limiting Options to Fix the Highway Trust Fund

Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 112, a resolution introduced by Rep. Boustany (R-LA) and co-sponsored by 11 Republicans expressing Congress’ opposition to new fees on oil. As yesterday’s blog post highlighted, this resolution may be non-binding, but it puts Congress on the record in opposition to a viable option for......

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fix the trust fund

Congressional Vote Could Limit Options to #FixTheTrustFund

Tomorrow the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on H. Con. Res. 112, a concurrent resolution introduced by Rep. Boustany (R-LA) and co-sponsored by 11 Republicans that would express Congress’ opposition to new fees on oil. While non-binding, the resolution would put Congress on the record as opposing one option for fixing the Highway Trust......

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130 Congressmen Ask Colleagues to Fix the Highway Trust Fund

Last week 130 Members of Congress (73 Democrats and 57 Republicans) sent a letter to Chairman Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Levin (D-MI) of the House Ways & Means Committee urging them to include addressing the long-term solvency of the Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in their plans for overhauling the U.S. tax code. They......

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Report Offers Ways to Make Federal Transportation Investment More Productive

Now that the FAST Act has provided five years of certain funding for surface transportation programs, it’s time for Congress to once again turn to the important work of finding a long-term, sustainable funding solution for the Highway Trust Fund. A guaranteed funding source is key to allowing states to effectively plan and execute transportation......

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Oliver looking at the American infrastructure report card

2015 Media Relations Year in Review

Last year, ASCE was mentioned in the media more than 12,900 times in all 50 states and in more than 30 countries around the world, including 27 major print and broadcast media outlets and wire services. ASCE members and staff interviewed on everything from the state of the nation’s infrastructure to fixing the Highway Trust......

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fast act

FAST Act Summary Part Three: Transit

This is the third in a series of summaries over the next few weeks on the contents of the newly-passed five-year federal surface transportation authorization law, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The first part explored the law’s funding and the future fiscal health of the Highway Trust Fund. The second part described the highway......

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fast act

FAST Act Summary Part Two: Highways

This is the second in a series of summaries over the next few weeks on the contents of the newly-passed five-year federal surface transportation authorization law, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The first part explored the law’s funding and the future fiscal health of the Highway Trust Fund. The next sections will focus on......

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