This week, ailing infrastructure received a lot of attention. But the data and projections of the Highway Trust Fund served as a call to action. In a special report published by The Hill, ASCE Executive Director Pat Natale explained the necessity of a long-term highway bill. Sen. Warner offered further explanation of the BRIDGE Act, which, if passed, would “help states and localities access billions of additional dollars in private-sector capital that remains parked on the financial sidelines.”
As we know, transportation infrastructure is not the only sector in need of funding and repairs. Mary Lyman explained “robust infrastructure investment is absolutely critical” to ensure energy independence.
A Senate subcommittee recognized the need for greater regulation of water supplies, to combat events similar to those in West Virginia. This New York Times piece also offers an incentive to implement greater precautions based on experiences with New York City water tanks.
Our Past President, Andrew Herrmann sat down with Risk Management Magazine to discuss the high cost of ignoring America’s aging bridges (and all infrastructure).
The Washington Post conducted an experiment in the most efficient way to commute, and concluded that currently no one really wins.
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin announced a surplus budget. In response, James Bowen, a Madison, Wis. political blogger, suggested investing in infrastructure based on ASCE’s Wisconsin state facts.
Action may not be easy, but as BlueGreen Alliance’s David Foster explains, it is certainly beneficial, as it will bring “big rewards.” Now let’s all get to work on making those “rewards” come true.