Water Resources

Water Resources Development Acts Move Through House & Senate Committees

Both the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works (EPW) and the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) held mark-up hearings this week for its respective WRDA bills. Two weeks ago, ASCE President Kristina Swallow testified at the Senate EPW Committee’s first hearing on the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018. ASCE sent the......

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President Trump Releases Much Anticipated Infrastructure Plan

The Trump Administration has officially released an infrastructure proposal calling for $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments, with $200 billion of direct federal spending over the course of 10 years. The federal investment is meant to spur investments from state and local governments and private investors. The proposal is divided into four main parts: funding and......

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Congress Begins WRDA 2018 Discussions

This week, the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment held a hearing entitled “America’s Water Resources Infrastructure: Approaches to Enhanced Delivery Systems.” Witnesses at the hearing included Major General Donald E. Jackson, the Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers......

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Congressional Hearings Focus on Aviation, Flood Control

As the President’s repeated in his address to Congress his pledge to dramatically increase infrastructure spending to the tune of $1 trillion, various Congressional Committees have been holding hearings to explore the need. While the hearings reflect broad and even growing support on Capitol Hill for infrastructure spending, they also illustrate major hurdles, chief among......

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Blue USA map respresenting democrats' infrastructure plan

Democrats’ Infrastructure Blueprint Furthers Legislative Conversation

Days after President Trump was the first to use the word “infrastructure” in an inaugural address, Senate Democrats doubled-down on his promise to invest in infrastructure by offering their own plan to increase investment by $1 trillion over 10 years, and purportedly create more than 15 million new jobs in the process. The plan, led......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Congress Unveils Compromise Water Resources Bill

Congressional negotiators released a newly rebranded water infrastructure bill this week after months of hashing out differences between their respective Water Resources Development Acts (S.2848 and H.R.5303) that each chamber passed earlier this year. The new bill, dubbed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act or WIIN Act not only includes a traditional Army......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

WRDA Passes The House

The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5303 the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 late yesterday afternoon by a vote of 399-25. The $11.5 billion bill authorizes over three dozen Army Corps of Engineers flood control, navigation and ecosystem restoration projects and studies across the country.  In addition to the base text reported out......

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Congress Returns to Town — Zika, Federal Budget and Water Resources Legislation All At Play

Coming off a long summer break, Congress returns today to several realities it left unfinished in June. While a Water Resources bill is the top opportunity for infrastructure policy, other pressing issues may take precedence. In the warm months since leaving town, the Zika virus has spread across Florida and its reach is expected to......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

New Report Highlights Limitations of National Levee Safety Initiative

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a new report surveying the progress the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have made carrying out the National Levee Safety Program. The conclusion: the Agencies “have made little progress in implementing key national levee-safety-related activities required in the Water Resources Reform and Development......

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