
California Infrastructure Propositions Win at Primaries

Yesterday, California voters were tasked with weighing in on Propositions 68 and Propositions 69 in addition to making their candidate selections for November’s general election. These measures needed only a simple majority to pass: Proposition 68, approved with 56% of the vote, will provide $4.1 billion in funding to various natural resources-related programs. California is......

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ARTBA Convenes Workshop on Funding Success Stories

States have been stepping up to better fund transportation. On July 12, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) Transportation Investment Advocacy Center held its fourth Annual National Workshop for State & Local Transportation Advocates, which explored how states are getting it done. The day-long meeting featured transportation investment champions from around the country.......

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Map of the US showing higher gas tax

Oregon Legislature and Governor Reach Compromise on Gas Tax Increase

Oregon once again finds itself at the forefront of gas tax increases. The state was the first to levy a gas tax, in 1919. Ever since it has been innovative in its funding of transportation, including through the OreGo vehicle miles traveled pilot program. This year’s legislative activity continues the trend. Bringing its 2017 Legislative......

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highway construction with a lane closed

California Decides How Voters Impact Infrastructure Projects

Proposition 53 is a statewide ballot measure that asks voters to consider whether the state may sell revenue bonds for projects expected to cost over $2 billion.  This ballot measure would specifically apply to all projects financed, owned, operated, or managed by the state as well as those of joint agencies formed between the state and......

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Doug Kerr highway

Safe Roads Amendment Protects Illinois Transportation Dollars

The “Safe Roads Amendment” is a statewide ballot measure that asks voters to decided how the state can spend its transportation dollars. More specifically, this measure will protect transportation revenue (like the gas tax, tolls, licenses and vehicle registration fees) from being diverted to non-transportation projects. Illinois is following in the footsteps of its neighbor Wisconsin, who......

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holiday traffic

New Jersey Must Fix the Transportation Trust Fund

Legislators in both chambers worked in a bipartisan manner to address the looming insolvency of New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) just before the July 1st deadline. The TTF is the account from which the state pays for maintenance, repairs and construction for transportation infrastructure. As introduced by Senators Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) and Steve Oroho......

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U.S. School Facilities Are $46B Away from Modern Standards

Every year the U.S. is spending $46 billion less on school facility construction and maintenance that is needed to keep our kids, teachers and staff in safe and modern facilities. This is the new finding from the State of Our Schools report which looks at the condition of the schools we send 1 in every......

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