
Falling Apart & Falling Behind

Building America’s Future (BAF) unveiled their own study on transportation infrastructure titled, Falling Apart and Falling Behind, which highlights how crumbling transportation system makes the nation less competitive. Falling Apart and Falling Behind findings fit with the results of ASCE’s recent Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Surface Transportation Infrastructure.......

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FAA Update

On Thursday the House and Senate reached an agreement on a new FAA extension. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced a bipartisan deal to reopen the FAA and restore the government’s authority to collect airline excise taxes and fund airport construction. The agreement was the result of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood using the waiver authority granted......

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Failure to Act report released

“We cannot solve the budget deficit without solving the infrastructure deficit.” – Representative Earl Blumenauer Today, ASCE released Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Surface Transportation Infrastructure. The report found the nation’s deteriorating surface transportation infrastructure will cost the American economy more than 870,000 jobs, and suppress the growth of......

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Failure to Act

Have you ever wondered how much congestion costs you or what underinvestment in infrastructure really means? As if the nation’s economy isn’t struggling enough, a new study about to be released by ASCE finds the cost of deficient transportation infrastructure to American households and businesses is staggering. Wednesday, July 27th ASCE will release, “Failure to......

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Hotel industry to be hurt by aging infrastructure

Earlier this week Jonathan Tisch, CEO of Loews Hotels, commented that the nation’s aging infrastructure will be the next hurdle the travel and hospitality industries will need to overcome. Tisch was speaking at New York University International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference, where he asked fellow hotel industry leaders to band together and create momentum for......

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Traffic Congestion is Hazardous to Your Health

The Transportation Construction Coalition, of which ASCE is a member, recently released a study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis on the public health cost of traffic congestion. The study, “The Public Health Costs of Traffic Congestion: A Health Risk Assessment”, found that emissions resulting from traffic congestion in the largest 83 metropolitan areas......

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Key Senators Unveil Surface Transportation Principles

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is inching closer to releasing a surface transportation authorization bill, which it hopes to mark up by the Fourth of July. This week the big four of the Environment and Public Works Committee, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA), James Inhofe (R-OK), Max Baucus (D-MT), and David Vitter (R-LA) released......

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Obama cites ASCE Report Card, calls for Infrastructure Improvement

The state of the nation’s infrastructure took center stage tonight during the President’s State of the Union address. Among the proposals President Obama put forward for creating jobs and growing the economy is improving the nation’s infrastructure. President Obama wants to “win the future” and we can’t do it with a failing infrastructure. Citing the......

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