
Preparing Infrastructure for Autonomous Vehicles

On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works held a hearing entitled “Innovation and America’s Infrastructure: Examining the Effects of Emerging Autonomous Technologies on America’s Roads and Bridges.” The hearing explored questions regarding the feasibility and importance of autonomous technologies as it relates to infrastructure. The Senators’ questions were fielded by a......

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Eno Paper Finds Tools for Improving Public Transit

Public transit has underfunded for decades and system delays, especially on legacy systems, are increasing. ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave public transit a “D-”, the lowest grade given to a U.S. infrastructure category, largely due to the ever growing $90 billion in rehabilitation costs. Eno recently released a paper titled “Tools for a Smoother......

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2050 Infrastructure Starts Today

As part of Infrastructure Week, one of the most compelling conversation topics was the future of infrastructure because to make it happen, the future really has to start being built today. If the trendiest topic today is the driverless car, what infrastructure has to be in place to make that work? If sensor technology is changing......

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U.S. School Facilities Are $46B Away from Modern Standards

Every year the U.S. is spending $46 billion less on school facility construction and maintenance that is needed to keep our kids, teachers and staff in safe and modern facilities. This is the new finding from the State of Our Schools report which looks at the condition of the schools we send 1 in every......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Looking Into Humboldt County’s Water Infrastructure

Today the North Coast Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers released a new 2016 Report Card for Humboldt County’s Water Infrastructure to show the state of the water infrastructure across 19 water systems within Humboldt County, California. The report found that today’s water infrastructure earned a good B grade overall, but to keep a good......

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