
Congressman Curbelo Introduces Bill to Tax Carbon

Earlier this week, Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) introduced H.R. 6463, the Modernizing America with Rebuilding to Kick-start the Economy of the Twenty-first Century with a Historic Infrastructure-Centered Expansion Act, or the “MARKET CHOICE Act.” This bill would amend the tax code to add tax equal to $24 per metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2), with......

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Congress Tackles FY2019 Budget

This week, Congress had a busy schedule of hearings on the President’s Fiscal Year 2019 agency-by-agency budget requests. The House Committee on Appropriations held 19 hearings this week, while the Senate Committee on Appropriations held five hearings. Administration officials from across the federal agencies testified at hearings on the President’s FY19 budget request, including at those for......

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Senate Democrats Release New Infrastructure Plan

This week, the Senate Democratic Caucus unveiled their own new jobs and infrastructure plan in response to President Trump’s Infrastructure Principles released in early February. Under the Senate Democrats jobs and infrastructure plan, there would be a $1 trillion federal investment to modernize our deteriorating infrastructure. ASCE President Kristina Swallow released a statement, highlighting that......

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President Trump Releases Much Anticipated Infrastructure Plan

The Trump Administration has officially released an infrastructure proposal calling for $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments, with $200 billion of direct federal spending over the course of 10 years. The federal investment is meant to spur investments from state and local governments and private investors. The proposal is divided into four main parts: funding and......

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Sens. Hoeven and Wyden Reintroduce Move America Act

Sens. John Hoeven (R-ND) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) recently re-introduced their Move America Act to expand the availability of tax-exempt bonds and create a new tax credit, bringing more private capital into infrastructure and giving states more flexibility to pursue infrastructure projects. The legislation creates Move America Bonds, expanding private activity bonds, which encourage private......

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Legislation to Create National Infrastructure Bank Reintroduced

Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Roy Blunt (R-MO), along with seven other bipartisan cosponsors, recently introduced S. 1168 – BRIDGE Act to establish a national infrastructure bank to give state and local governments another tool in the toolbox for financing infrastructure projects. The bank would help state and local governments better leverage private funds to......

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House Energy & Commerce Committee Holds Infrastructure Hearings

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy & Commerce Committee held hearings focused on infrastructure. Among them were two featuring ASCE members’ testimonies—both focusing on the newly released Infrastructure Report Card. These hearings came as Congress continues to consider how best to improve our nation’s infrastructure, in part because of President Trump’s interest in......

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Welcome to the New

In conjunction with the release of the 2017 grades, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is relaunching We invite you to explore all the new site has to offer, including an overview of the 16 infrastructure categories and ASCE’s solutions for how to raise the national grade. The site showcases the 2017 Report......

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transportation water freight and energy are game changers

New Game Changers are here!

Today we added 15 new #GameChangers and two new trends to the repertoire. These projects showcase the power that innovation and investment can have to solve problems and improve our infrastructure. “Rebuilding Stronger” and “Sustainable Solutions” are the new trends we’ve identified that are shaping the way infrastructure is designed, built, and maintained. The projects......

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