
surface transportation reauthorization and reform act of 2015

House Unveils Surface Transportation Bill

                On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Transportation & Infrastructure Committee unveiled a six-year surface transportation reauthorization bill. The bipartisan legislation, titled, the Surface Transportation Re-authorization and Reform Act (STRRA) of 2015, contains three years of flat-level funding for highway and transit programs and will be marked-up......

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It’s Off to the Races on a House Highway & Transit Bill

Today, the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Bill Shuster (R-PA) announced that his committee would be holding a mark-up of a surface transportation authorization bill on October 22.  The bill, text of which has not yet been finalized is titled, the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act......

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champions of change

Dagher to be recognized by White House for Composite Arch Bridges

Could it be possible to construct a bridge in two weeks that lasts up to 100 years, has similar costs as a regular steel and concrete bridge, and requires minimal maintenance? It may seem farfetched, but ASCE member and Founding Director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center Dr. Habib Dagher, invented......

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New York Infrastructure Report Card

In the inaugural 2015 Report Card for New York’s Infrastructure released today, the state received an overall grade of “C-” from the New York Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Assessing nine categories, the report finds that the state’s roads and bridges are among the categories most in need of repair, receiving grades......

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FY 2016 projected estimates for weekly cash balances

Highway Fund in Trouble by November 20th

  The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently announced that the Highway Account of the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) will become insolvent by November 20, 2015 if Congress fails to provide additional revenue.  The HTF also has a Transit Account that will become insolvent by May 27, 2016.  USDOT deems the Highway Account to......

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man at the national press club

Secretary Foxx to Congress: Raise Your Sights

In yet another sign that summer is officially over, members of Congress have returned to Washington, D.C. to conduct their fall business.  Greeting them with a clear message was U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Anthony Foxx.  “I urge [Congress] to look at the needs of their constituents – to focus on results, and not......

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Despite Senate Transportation Action, House Stymies Progress

During the last two months, the Senate made good use of its time to craft a multi-year surface transportation bill with an increase in funding. As is often the way for Congress, it still came down to the wire. For over a week, the U.S. Senate has been in a mad dash to complete its......

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steps to the capital

Fix the Trust Fund: Now it’s the Senate’s Turn

  Last Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend highway and transit programs until December 18, 2015 on a 312-119 vote. The House bill granted a $8.1 billion boost the Highway trust Fund (HTF) to keep it solvent past the looming July 31 deadline. This extension will fund surface transportation projects through......

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Five (More) Myths About the Highway Trust Fund

1. Devolving the federal program to the states is a viable option Devolution is the idea of eliminating the federal government’s ability to collect the current 18.4 cents per gallon in federal gasoline taxes (absent a few cents to remain dedicated toward maintaining the Interstate Highway System) and transferring all authority over these programs to......

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Congressional Focus Remains on Highway & Transit Bill

This week both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate will gear-up over the future of federal highway and transit funding and policy.  The House is expected to approve a six-month extension of current policy, which would cost approximately $9 billion.  The Senate is expected to take-up highway legislation later this week, but it......

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