ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

Special Sessions Tackle State Infrastructure Needs

With summer upon us, many state legislators are finding themselves stuck in “summer school” in order to hammer out bills to address growing infrastructure needs.

With the exception of a few states who meet year-round, most state legislatures will convene anywhere from 60 to 100 days.  Unfortunately, this year many of states with short sessions now find themselves working well into the summer months in order to reach common ground on bills that will fund surface transportation in their state.

Whether is sticking it out at the state house beyond their required adjournment date or being called back by the Governor until a deal is reached, a healthy handful of states find themselves working tirelessly to find a solution. Our summer watch list includes: California, Illinois, Maine, Oregon, South Carolina, and Washington.

Now that the heat of summer has arrived the heat is on to get these lawmakers back home. As they look to neighboring states that have already taken action (and adjourned until next year), we fully expect legislators in these states will also make strides when it comes to meeting their infrastructure needs.  We will watch as they work furiously to ensure that there is no disruption in state operations come July 1 and know they will diligently make necessary investments in maintaining and improving the condition of infrastructure in their state.