ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

Rock the Vote for Infrastructure on Nov. 4

Have you ever taken the bus to work?  Driven across a bridge? Turned on the faucet for a drink of water?  You may have even noticed that some of these roads and bridges are in need of some TLC. Perhaps, you’ve heard news stories about how water becomes scarce at the time of drought, or the opposite, that dams might breech due to epic rains.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, Tuesday’s election is your chance to tackle your local infrastructure challenges head on!

Statewide ballot measures affecting everything from roads and bridges to water infrastructure needs will be put in your hands in at least eight states and many more localities. Here’s a rundown of what you could see in your neck of the woods:

In addition to these statewide measures, many localities will see ballot questions that hit even closer to home. Here are a few that ASCE members have been advocating for:

Elections are decided by those who show up. Take the time on Tuesday to make your opinion heard. Get out and vote for clean water, safer roads and bridges, improved public transit and dam safety!