ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

New Poll Finds Americans Want Modernized Water Infrastructure

On Wednesday, the Value of Water released the results of a new poll that finds 95% of Americans believe it is important to improve and modernize our water systems. At a time when a water main breaks every two minutes in the U.S., 60% of respondents said they are willing to pay more for secure water service upon hearing the facts of the state of our nation’s water infrastructure.

The new data shows that we must seize this watershed moment (pun intended) to educate people about the true value of water. Our water infrastructure is at a critical juncture, as much of it is past its useful design life. Both drinking water and wastewater received “D” grades in the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. Americans top concerns around water include being able to drink straight from the tap and treating wastewater in a safe and environmentally responsible way, according to the survey results.

Our lives and the economy depend on strong and reliable water infrastructure. This latest national survey demonstrates Americans’ understand the significance of our water infrastructure, and the majority believe we should invest in it.