Happy 4th of July, America! Baseball’s All-Star break is this week. These and more serve as reminders that we have reached the “mid-point” of the summer. Are your summer advocacy plans in place?
If you are an ASCE member, you should start your advocacy plan by signing up for the next Key Contact Briefing Conference Call on July 23 with Rep. David McKinley, P.E., F.ASCE. An ASCE member since his days as a student at Purdue University, Rep. McKinley represents the 1st District of West Virginia and will join us on July 23 to share his experience as a civil engineer in Congress, and why it’s important for ASCE members to meet often with their elected officials to share the civil engineer’s take on issues.
As Congress continues to wrestle with many challenges, ASCE members and infrastructure supporters of all backgrounds should make sure their elected leaders are informed about the conditions of our nation’s infrastructure, and the consequences we face if we continue to neglect its needs. ASCE’s 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure lays out these points on 16 different categories of infrastructure. In addition, ASCE Sections and Branches have released over 30 state and local Report Cards to provide a more localized picture of infrastructure conditions. This information is valuable when in the hands of decision-makers in Congress as they discuss issues such as the Water Resources Development Act, and the importance of preserving tax exemptions for municipal bonds to improve infrastructure in local communities. Learn how you can help your elected leaders make informed decisions about our infrastructure using ASCE’s Key Contact tools by joining Rep. McKinley and ASCE staff on July 23.
Join us on July 23 at 1pm EDT/12noon CDT for “Bringing the Report Card to Elected Leaders”, the next Key Contact Briefing Conference Call, open to all ASCE members (a member login is required to register for the call.)