pink video icon

Photography & Videos

Bridge Video Footage
Gasparilla Island Bridge Authority
Hardesty & Hanover

Port Video Footage
Port of Long Beach

Water Infrastructure Video Footage
DC Water

Freight Rail Video Footage
Association of American Railroads

Dam Photos
Scott Bass, P.E.

Drinking Water Photos
Tualatin Valley Water District c/o Greg DiLoreto

Energy Photos
Otto Lynch
Department of Energy via Flickr

Hazardous Waste Photos
US Environmental Protection AgencyFlickr

Inland Waterway Photos
Alexandra Schafer

Levee Photos

Port Photos
Port of Vancouver USA
Port Tampa Bay

Solid Waste Photos
Flickr user Jeffery Beall

Transit Photos
Flickr user Rene Schwietzke
Flickr user Sounder Bruce

Additional Photos

Laura Hale
Becky Moylan
Brian Pallasch
HR Green

Aaron Castelo
Wikimedia Commons

orange staff icon

ASCE Staff

The Infrastructure Report Card is prepared in collaboration between ASCE members and staff, and supported in part by  the ASCE Foundation. Many thanks to the following staff members: 

Lynn Badgley

Aaron Castelo

Loretta Cranbourne

Anna Denecke

Casey Dinges

Wendy Dinwiddie

Laura Hale

Roxann Henze-Gongola

Martin Hight

Kirsty Goldberg

Jane Howell

Elizabeth Kerkeris

Jennifer Lawrence

John Marston

Maria Matthews

Becky Moylan

Brian Pallasch

Whit Remer

Jim Rossberg

Laurie Shuster

Heather Smith

Tom Smith

Carolyn Sofman

Caitlin Toynbee

Christine Williams

Ben Walpole

Olivia Wolfertz

Beka Wueste


ASCE would also like to thank: 

Martin Adams, P.E.

Emily Feenstra

Sean Gamette, P.E.

George Hawkins

Brittney Kohler

Norma Jean Mattei, PH.D., P.E., F.SEI, M.COPRI, M.ASCE

Ed Mortimer

Kerry O’Hare

Doug Sereno, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE

Kristina Swallow, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE

Jay Timmons

Phillip Washington