The ASCE Committee on America’s Infrastructure, made up of 28 dedicated civil engineers from across the country with decades of expertise in all categories, volunteers their time to work with ASCE Infrastructure Initiatives staff to prepare the Report Card. The Committee assesses all relevant data and reports, consults with technical and industry experts, and assigns grades.
West Linn, OR
Oregon Section
DiLoreto is the Chair of the ASCE 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, a leading indicator of the health of America’s infrastructure. A past president of ASCE and the former CEO of the Tualatin Valley Water District in metropolitan Portland, Oregon, he is frequently called on by the national media, Congress, and international organizations to provide insight into the pressing infrastructure and water issues facing the country. An industry veteran and engineering professional for over 30 years, DiLoreto holds a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Oregon State University, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Portland State University. He also serves as the chairman of the board of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure.
Chesapeake, VA
Virginia Section, Norfolk Branch
Curtis is the program director – waterfront services for Collins Engineers Inc., headquartered in Chicago, and serves as the practice area leader for the firm’s port and waterfront projects. During his 42 years of civil engineering practice, Curtis has served as a program, project, and construction manager for commercial private/public ports and waterfront development; bridge, highway, and intermodal freight rail; military base facility/utility; and potable water and wastewater treatment facility large-scale, complex projects. He is the vice-chair of the Committee on America’s Infrastructure and has served as an at-large director on the ASCE Board of Direction, a past president of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute, and a past chair of the Ports and Harbors Technical Committee.
Ocean View, DE
Delaware Section
Bennett has over four decades of senior-level experience in rail and public transportation policy and planning analysis. As a Vice President in Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor Business Unit, he led the development of the Strategic Plan that led to the private sector financing of the Acela High Speed train sets, as well as plans for the expansion and modernization of Washington Union Terminal and the design and construction of the Penn Station New York Centralized Train Control Center. He provided technical and policy guidance for the National Surface Transportation and Revenue Study Commission. Mr. Bennett served as Vice President Infrastructure and Systems at the Long Island Rail Road. As a Principal in two major transportation consulting organizations, Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co (PMM&Co now KPMG-Peat Marwick) and Booz Allen Hamilton, he provided planning and management support for domestic and international passenger rail clients. He is a registered Professional Civil Engineer and holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and a M.S. in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from the University of California – Berkeley.
Nashville, TN
Tennessee Section, Nashville Branch
Dr. Camp is a research associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. She specializes in enterprise risk management, particularly as applied to infrastructure vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning under future climate and extreme weather conditions, and has led several such projects in this area. Dr. Camp is engaged in a variety of professional activities involving infrastructure condition and resilience. She is the recipient of the ASCE Tennessee Section’s 2011 Young Engineer Award, was named ASCE’s 2012 Citizen Engineer, and was recognized as the Eastern Region Younger Members Council 2012 Outstanding Younger Member in Community Activities. She received the 2016 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award from ASCE’s Nashville Branch. Dr. Camp served on the 2013 Committee for America’s Infrastructure and currently serves on the ASCE Excellence in Journalism Award Committee. She is also the 2016-2017 President for the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers.
Malabar, FL
Florida Section, Cape Canaveral Branch
Hann is the Director of Planning and Project Management for Brevard Public Schools in Brevard County, Florida. She has also served as the City Manager and Public Works Director for the City of Palm Bay, Florida. Sue holds a bachelor of science in civil engineering degree from the University of Maryland and a master of business administration from Florida Institute of Technology. Hann is a former member of the Board of Directors of the American Public Works Association and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure.
Swampscott, MA
Boston Section
Herrmann is Partner Emeritus of Hardesty & Hanover, a transportation consulting engineering firm headquartered in NYC specializing in fixed and movable bridges. He is a Fellow of both the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) and ASCE and served as ASCE’s President for 2012. He now serves as SEI’s 2017 President on their Board of Governors. An advocate for improving our nation’s infrastructure, he has testified before Congress and been interviewed many times by the media, most recently appearing on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.” Registered as a Professional Engineer in 29 states, he graduated from Valparaiso University with a BSCE and NYU POLY with a MSCE.
Jackson, MI
Michigan Section, Lansing-Jackson Branch
Hookham is Director of NBD Services at CMS Energy, a large regulated electric/gas utility and non-regulated developer of energy projects, headquartered in Jackson, MI. He has over 35 years of experience in power generation, transmission, and distribution, natural gas and oil pipelines and refineries, and infrastructure systems and has held positions responsible for permitting, design/construction, financing, and operating said facilities across his career. He serves on multiple ASCE and National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) committees, was appointed to the State Board of Professional Engineers, and is involved in national, state, and local energy policy development.
Juneau, AK
Alaska Section, Juneau Branch
Kito was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, and has over twenty-five years of experience in engineering, planning and government relations. He has worked in the private sector, and for local, state and federal government agencies. Kito managed the school construction and major maintenance grant and debt programs for the State of Alaska Department of Education. He also worked at the Alaska State Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, where he coordinated the department’s legislative activities and resolved conflicts on rural projects around the state. Kito is the ASCE Juneau Branch Past President and has served with the Alaska Professional Design Council (APDC), Alaska Society of Professional Engineers (ASPE), Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE).
Nixa, MO
Kansas City Section
Lynch is Vice President of Power Line Systems, Inc. in Nixa, Missouri. For more than 28 years he has participated in the design and construction of numerous high-voltage transmission line projects around the world and was the pioneer in the use of LiDAR in the transmission line industry. Lynch is currently a member of the National Electric Safety Code and virtually all overhead transmission line industry-related ASCE and IEEE standards and committees. In 2012, he was awarded the ASCE Gene Wilhoite Innovations in Transmission Line Engineering Award.
Richmond, VA
Virginia Section, Richmond Branch
Matteo serves as the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) Assistant State Structure and Bridge Engineer for Bridge Maintenance, responsible for establishing policy for the maintenance of over 19,000 of the commonwealth’s highway bridges and large culverts. He has 30 years of engineering experience in structural design, bridge maintenance and construction management. Before joining VDOT he worked as an engineering consultant, where he was responsible for the management of an office that performed bridge design, bridge inspection and bridge maintenance services in the mid-Atlantic region. Matteo received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Virginia, and his Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Virginia and California.
Land O Lakes, FL
Florida Section, West Coast Branch
McKeehan is currently a Senior Airport Engineer with Gresham, Smith and Partners in Tampa, Florida. Over his 30-year career, he has held engineering positions in all three project roles (airport facilities engineer, consulting engineer, and contractor). He has managed over $500 million in completed infrastructure including aviation, healthcare, industrial, manufacturing, and commercial projects. McKeehan is Past President of the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute and is a member of Transportation Research Board Standing Committee AV070, Aircraft/Airport Compatibility.
Portland, ME
Maine Section
Merfeld is a licensed professional engineer in Maine with 27 years’ experience, including 20 years with the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA). Since 2000, as Chief Operations Officer for the MTA, he is responsible for all maintenance, engineering, capital construction, public safety, and service plaza operations for the 110-mile Interstate toll road in southern Maine. Merfeld is the chair of the Committee on Maine’s Infrastructure for the Maine section of ASCE, which is responsible for producing Maine’s infrastructure report card (2008, 2012, 2016). He is a past president for the Maine Section of ASCE, and from 2005 to 2010 served on ASCE’s Construction Institute’s Claims Avoidance and Resolution Committee. Merfeld was a board director for the Maine Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) from 2003-2012 and has recently completed final term (2009-2016) as a board director for the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA).
Birmingham, AL
Alabama Section
Montgomery Mills is Senior Project Manager of Design and Construction for the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex. Her career spans 25 years beginning as a project manager with the City of Birmingham, moving into the private sector as a construction manager for site development firm and later building renovations at a local design build firm. In 2010 she established her own consulting firm, Civil Construction Solutions and recently moved into her role at the BJCC giving her a larger platform to impact her local community. Since 2008, Montgomery Mills has moved up within the leadership of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and currently serves as Past President of the Alabama Section of ASCE. Working with 25 members of ASCE across the state of Alabama, she chaired the committee that created the 2015 Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure, raising awareness of the condition and needs of our infrastructure. Montgomery Mills is also involved with the UAB School of Engineering Advisory Board, Carver High School Engineering Academy Advisory Board, and Design Review Committee of the City of Birmingham. She and her husband Steve reside in a loft in downtown Birmingham and recently welcomed a grand-daughter to the family.
Washington, D.C.
National Capital Section
Dr. Morris is the Director of Strategic Planning, Sales and Marketing for AECOM’s Environmental Business Line. He is responsible for developing and driving business strategy growth and diversification in all aspects of the company’s environmental business, including technical practices, market segments, key clients, and geographic regions. He has 30 years of environmental management experience and previously served as senior vice president, global strategy and business development for the environment and nuclear group at CH2M.
Lafayette, LA
Louisiana Section, Acadiana Branch
Dr. Movassaghi is a transportation engineer with varied experience in strategy, policy, planning, development and management of projects and operations. His professional career spans over five decades, with executive and leadership positions in the private sector and government and 25 years in academia. He recently retired from a leadership position with an ENR top 300 consulting firm that exhibited a 100 percent growth rate during his 10-year tenure. He also served as secretary of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development from 1998-2004. He was responsible for the development and implementation of a 10-year, $5 billion investment program (TIMED) to construct 500 miles of new highways and two bridges over the Mississippi River. Dr. Movassaghi has held leadership positions at ASCE, T&DI, AASHTO, TRB, and NRC and led the development of 2012 ASCE Louisiana Report Card. He is a recipient of a number of awards including the ASCE’s National Government Engineer of the Year and Francis C. Turner Award. In 2013, he was inducted to the Louisiana Transportation Hall of Honor.
Herndon, VA
National Capital Section
Murphy is currently a project director for AECOM. He has 42 years of corporate and project management experience, including 37 years as a consultant to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/FIA, and other agencies. This effort includes providing dam/levee and other infrastructure policy recommendations related to maintaining infrastructure, reducing risk, and mitigating the adverse impacts from man-made and natural hazards.
Denver, CO
Colorado Section
Neumann is the Deputy Director for Planning and Engineering at Aurora Water in Colorado. She previously spent over 20 years at the San Antonio Water System in Texas. She has more than 25 years of experience in water and wastewater utilities engineering, with emphasis in utility system planning, and capital planning and development. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Texas.
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Section
Nikolic is an energy and utilities consultant based in Philadelphia, PA. She is responsible for assisting energy and utility clients with the management of projects that modernize the grid, including Smart Grid, Energy Management System, Outage Management System, and Advanced Distribution Management System Projects. Nikolic holds a bachelor of science in civil engineering from Washington State University, a master of science in engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and is a member of ASCE’s Engineering Practice Policy Committee.
Columbus, OH
Central Ohio Section
Ogden is a Project Manager with the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO). Mark has over thirty years of experience in dam and levee safety regulation and policy. His work with ASDSO includes assistance to state dam safety programs and advocacy for dam safety at all governmental levels. He worked for twenty-five years for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water where he served as the administrator of the Water Management Section with responsibility for the Dam Safety, Floodplain Management, Coastal Erosion Permitting, and Canal Operations Programs. Ogden holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from The Ohio State University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Ohio and a Certified Public Manager.
Danville, CA
San Francisco Section, Golden Gate Branch
Perrings is a Project Civil Engineer with P/A Design Resources, Inc. in Walnut Creek, California, a Planning, Civil Engineering and Survey Design Firm. His area of expertise is water quality, storm drainage and flood control. Perrings holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and is a licensed professional engineer in the State of California. He lives in Danville, California with his family.
Arlington, VA
National Capital Section
Dr. Peskin is Senior Consulting Manager at AECOM and is based in their Arlington, VA office. He has 39 years of years of experience in the areas of transportation financing, planning, and management. He pioneered analytical methodologies in the areas of transportation financial planning, analysis of transportation infrastructure capital needs, and operating & maintenance cost modeling. His work focuses on the application of quantitative information to support transportation decision making. He works with public agency staff in integrating financial, capital, and operating data from all functional areas including planning, engineering, transportation, and maintenance. He managed projects estimating infrastructure renewal needs for Amtrak and for transit agencies in Washington DC, Miami, San Francisco, San Jose, Philadelphia, Dallas, Vancouver (BC), Orlando, and Chicago. Dr. Peskin supports transportation agency executive staff and governing boards as they commit limited public resources to major capital investments and make difficult budgeting decisions.
La Mesa, CA
San Diego Section
Pierce provided leadership and management of numerous projects in southern California valued at over $1 billion. He has more than 40 years of diversified experience in all aspects of planning, design, and construction management. As Chief Engineer for the San Diego Unified Port District & San Diego International Airport Pierce administered projects for waterfront structures, airfields, airport terminals, and convention center facilities. As Vice President of a consulting firm, he was responsible for a wide variety of water and wastewater projects, ranging from pump stations, pipelines, reservoirs to treatment facilities. As Public Works Director/City Engineer for several California cities he administered Capital Engineering, Stormwater, Wastewater Systems, Fleet Maintenance, Streets Maintenance, Flood Control Maintenance, Parks Maintenance and Traffic Signal Operation and Maintenance.
Chicago, IL
Illinois Section
Quinn is a senior vice president with Ricondo & Associates, Inc., an aviation consultancy focused on the planning and programming of airport and aviation projects across the U.S. and at international locations. Based in its Chicago office, she has over 32 years of experience in the aviation sector. She is a past member of ASCE’s Transportation Policy Committee and is a member of ASCE’s Transportation & Development Institute, serving on Aviation Planning and Operations Committee.
Lawrenceville, GA
Georgia Section
Shelton is currently a Deputy Director for the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources. She is responsible for a range of water resources engineering programs including drinking water treatment and distribution, and wastewater collection and treatment. Over her career she has been responsible for a number of other programs including public works, stormwater management and environmental protection. She is passionate about protecting public health by ensuring that drinking water and wastewater systems are properly designed, built and maintained. Shelton has been active with ASCE, serving as Georgia Section President and Chair of the Georgia Infrastructure Report Card Committee. She received several Georgia Section Awards, including the Georgia Section President’s Award, and the Georgia Section Civil Engineer of the Year. She has also received the Engineer of the Year in Government Award from the Georgia Engineering Alliance. Shelton also currently serves on ASCE’s Public Agency Peer Review Committee. She has a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Central Florida and a M.S. in Civil Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Section
Schipper has served as Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority’s Deputy General Manager for Engineering and Project Management since 2001. He is responsible for the planning, design, and construction elements of GCRTA’s Capital Improvement Program. He was instrumental in progressing the nationally recognized $200 million HealthLine Bus Rapid Transit program from preliminary engineering into final design, construction and operation. Prior to joining GCRTA he was a project principal and project manager for numerous highway, bridge, turnpike and municipal design projects for HNTB and for the City of Irving, TX. He has Civil Engineering degrees from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and the University of Texas at Arlington and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio and Texas. He is a Past President of the Cleveland Section of ASCE. He is currently serving as the President of the Cleveland Engineering Society.
St. Louis, MO
St Louis Section
Stahlman is the Director of Engineering & Construction, as well as, the appointed Port Engineer for America’s Central Port. He is engaged in a variety of local professional activities involving regional planning and infrastructure development, is the recipient of the ASCE St. Louis Section’s 2011 Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement, and was recognized as the ASCE Region 7 Outstanding Younger Member Award in 2013. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Chair of the Upper Mississippi River Basin for Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals Association (IRPT), and the Vice-Chair of Committee 18 (Light Density & Short Line Railways) for the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA).
Louisville, CO
Colorado Section
Talocco is a senior engineer at LT Environmental, Inc in Denver, Colorado has been working in the environmental industry for over 17 years, conducting a variety of consulting services that has included: solid waste containments, Colorado Voluntary Clean-up Program (VCUP) applications, soil characterization and material management plans, asbestos inspections and project design, stormwater management plans and inspections, wetlands and threatened and endangered observations, construction dewatering designs, water treatment systems, and contaminated soil and groundwater remediation system feasibility evaluations and design.
Washington, D.C.
National Capital Section
Tilchin has 34 years of experience in environmental science and engineering, and in project and program management. As National Manager for EPA Programs, Mike oversees CH2M’s work for EPA under Superfund, the water program, climate change, the Great Lakes National Program, and the Office of Sustainable Communities. Tilchin was appointed by EPA to serve on the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) Superfund Subcommittee in 2002- 2004, developing policy recommendations for the Superfund program. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company, which is engaged in cleanup activities at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hanford site in Richland, WA, and the Anacostia Watershed Society, an environmental group dedicated to cleaning up the Anacostia River and improving the quality of life for communities in the watershed through stewardship, advocacy, recreation, and education programs. He also serves on the American Council of Engineering Companies’ Superfund Working Group. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia.