american society of civil engineersThe American Society of Civil Engineers, founded in 1852, is the country’s oldest national engineering organization. It represents more than 150,000 civil engineers in private practice, government, industry, and academia who are dedicated to advancing the science and profession of civil engineering.

ASCE and its members have long advocated for the care of the nation’s infrastructure, and sustainable infrastructure remains one of the Society’s three strategic initiatives. Since 1998, ASCE has issued the Infrastructure Report Card, and beginning in 2001, the Report Card has been released every four years. Using a simple A to F school report card format, the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card examines current infrastructure conditions and needs, assigns grades, and makes recommendations for how to improve in 16 categories of infrastructure.

ASCE’s sections and branches prepare State and Regional Infrastructure Report Cards on a rolling basis to take a more localized look at American infrastructure. State and Regional Infrastructure Report Cards follow the methodology of the national Report Card.

In addition to the Report Card, ASCE also releases periodic policy reports on infrastructure issues, most notably on the economic impact of infrastructure underinvestment in its Failure to Act series.