ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

Infrastructure Wins on the Ballot

'I Voted' sticker on the black background.

While states still count votes to determine the Presidency and control of the Senate, what has become clear is that infrastructure investment remains a priority for voters. After some uncertainty over whether the COVID-19 pandemic would affect plans for infrastructure investment ballot measures, many states and localities did stick with their plans to bring many of these initiatives before voters on Election Day.  As has historically been the case, a majority of state and local infrastructure measures did pass this week, once again demonstrating that voter’s support making investments that will improve our infrastructure, grow the economy, and improve quality of life. In fact, in the transportation sector 94 percent of the 322 ballot measures voted on this week passed, which will generate $14 billion for projects in the upcoming years.

Notable measures that passed this year include:


Water and Environment


Unfortunately, not all measures passed with notable exceptions including: