Bridge Funding
Dams with Eaps
Drinking Water
Hazardous Waste
Inland Waterways
Public Parks
Road Costs
This map highlights the number of public use airports in each state. Every year, 895.5 million passengers travel through American airports.
This map highlights the number and percentage of structurally deficient bridges and state spending on bridge capital projects. The U.S. has 614,387 bridges, almost four in 10 of which are 50 years or older.
This map highlights the number and percentage of structurally deficient bridges and state spending on bridge capital projects. The U.S. has 614,387 bridges, almost four in 10 of which are 50 years or older.
This map highlights the number of high-hazard potential dams and number of regulated dams with emergency action plans. The average age of the 90,580 dams in the country is 56 years.
This map highlights the number of high-hazard potential dams and number of regulated dams with emergency action plans. The average age of the 90,580 dams in the country is 56 years.
This map highlights the drinking water infrastructure needs over 20 years. There are an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year in the United States, wasting over 2 trillion gallons of treated drinking water.
This map shows the amount of renewable energy produced in the United States.
This map shows the hazardous waste sites on the National Priorities List.
This map shows the miles of inland waterways and ranking nationally. The United States has 25,000 miles of inland waterways.
This map highlights the miles of levees in the National Levees Database. Levees in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Safety Program protect over 300 colleges and universities, 30 professional sports venues, 100 breweries, and an estimated $1.3 trillion in property.
This map highlights the amount of short tons of cargo and ranking nationally. The United States has 926 ports.
This map highlights the unmet needs for park systems.
This map highlights the miles of freight railroads in the United States. The rail network carries approximately 85,000 passengers each day.
This map shows the miles of public roads and percentage in poor condition, and the cost per year and per motorist of driving on roads in need of repair. More than two out of every five miles of America’s urban interstates are congested.
This map shows the miles of public roads and percentage in poor condition, and the cost per year and per motorist of driving on roads in need of repair. More than two out of every five miles of America’s urban interstates are congested.
This map shows estimated school capital expenditures.
Solid Waste
This map shows the number of annual unlinked passenger trips via transit.
This map shows the wastewater infrastructure needs over 20 years. There are 14,748 wastewater treatment plants in the United States.