ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

How the White House Budget Would Affect Infrastructure and Engineering

The White House released its budget blueprint for FY 2018 last week, signaling its priorities to Congress as it ramps up the annual appropriations process. The White House’s budget would increase defense spending by $54 billion and offset that increase with broad cuts elsewhere in discretionary spending. It will be up to House and Senate Appropriations Committees to decide how much of the President’s budget they wish to adapt.

Some Congressional Republicans have already started pushing back on President Trump’s budget. Rep. Hal Rogers (KY-5), former chair of the House Appropriations Committee, released a statement saying, “While we have a responsibility to reduce our federal deficit, I am disappointed that many of the reductions and eliminations proposed in the President’s skinny budget are draconian, careless and counterproductive…We will certainly review this budget proposal, but Congress ultimately has the power of the purse.” Sen. Charles Grassley (IA) told the Washington Post, “I’ve never seen a president’s budget proposal not revised substantially. As a member of the Budget Committee, I’ll carefully scrutinize and assess priorities as the president has with his proposal.”

Below is an outline of the President’s budget as it relates to infrastructure, scientific research, and science education.

Department of Commerce

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Department of Interior

Department of Transportation

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

National Science Foundation (NSF)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)