ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

EPA Finalizes WOTUS Rule

Last week the Obama Administration released a final rule setting new bounds on the reach of federal water jurisdiction. The “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule is more than 20 years in the making. Uncertainty stemming from three Supreme Court decisions left the two primary agencies responsible for implementing the rule—the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corp of Engineers—with no choice but to write new guidance on when the federal government could require a permit for projects that impact water they may eventually reach traditional jurisdictional waters. After years of reviewing and developing science to support the underlying rule the two agencies released a draft for public comment in April of 2014. Following significant backlash against the rule, the agencies twice extended the public comment period, eventually receiving more than one million public comments. ASCE held a special webinar on the proposed rule with top administration officials; one of nearly 300 stakeholder meetings the agencies undertook. ASCE submitted public comments urging key changes to the rule with input from technical committees. After nine months of reviewing comments and rewriting the rule, EPA and the Corps published a final rule last week.

How the New Rule Stacks Up

EPA and the Corps received a lot of feedback (and criticism) on the draft rule. ASCE was among the commenters, striving to provide constructive feedback that would lead to a clearer rule for engineers working on water resources projects. The final rule addresses eight of the nine areas ASCE made recommendations, making significant and substantive changes urged by ASCE and other stakeholder groups. Here are a few of the changes:

ASCE supports many of the brightline tests, exclusions and clarifications adopted in the final rule at the urging of the stakeholder community. Looking forward we will monitor and review forthcoming implementation guidelines stemming from the rule. Finally, ASCE plans to provide member education opportunities in the coming week focused on the practical implication of the rule for project managers on the ground.