ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

California Proposition 1 Invests in Water Infrastructure

Proposition 1 is a statewide ballot measure that will provide a dedicated source of funding to California’s water supply infrastructure.  This includes much needed public water system improvements, surface and groundwater storage, drinking water protection, recycling and advanced water treatment technology among other eligible projects.

California is the midst of a severe, multi-year drought and has an aging water infrastructure system. This ballot measure is a fiscally responsible step toward meeting the state’s overall water needs.  It secures California’s water future by keeping family farms and businesses productive, stimulates the economy through the construction of new facilities needed to store, deliver, and treat water.  A “yes” vote will ensure a reliable source of funding and prioritize investment in state water infrastructure projects.

ASCE recognizes that America’s drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater systems are aging or failing and must be upgraded or expanded to meet increasing federal and state environmental requirements.  These requirements have created a crisis that is beyond the means of local communities to solve and for which federal assistance is clearly justified.  Not meeting the investment needs of the next 20 years risks reversing the environmental, public health, and economic gains of the last three decades.

A “yes” vote will ensure funding for key public benefits: water quality, flood control and the preservation of natural habitat. When you talk with a neighbor about the election, remember this:

✓        Provides safe drinking water for all communities.
✓        Expands water storage capacity as a means of managing and preparing for drought.
✓        Invests in water conservation, recycling and improved local water supplies.
✓        Increases flood protection.
✓        Secure and safeguard California’s water supply without raising taxes.

The measure is currently supported by ASCE Region 9 and a number of professional societies, members of the business community, conservation groups, and leading state politicians. Support a comprehensive state water plan by voting “yes” on Proposition 1 in November.