ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

Arkansas and Vermont to Release Infrastructure Report Cards

The Vermont Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will release the 2014 Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure on Thursday, October 16th in Montpelier. The report will review the impact of Tropical Storm Irene on Vermont’s bridges, dams, drinking water, wastewater, roads and solid waste and assess the current condition today. Report Card Committee Chair Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA, will present the new Report Card grades and findings, and the keynote speaker, Sue Minter, the Deputy Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Transportation will highlight Vermont’s progress in rebuilding stronger after the storm. RSVP here to attend the event.

The Arkansas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will release the 2014 Report Card for Arkansas’ Infrastructure next Thursday during the ASCE Arkansas Annual Conference in Little Rock. The report includes an evaluation of Arkansas’ roads, bridges, transit, drinking water, wastewater, levees, and dams. A presentation the Report Card findings will be presented by Aaron Robinson, PE PS M.ASCE, and a keynote will be delivered the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Director, Scott Bennett. Attend the conference and release event.