ASCE's 2017 Infrastructure Report Card

2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure: State earns overall grade of “C+,” Up from 2014 “C” Grade

This afternoon, the Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure. Fourteen infrastructure categories were given an overall grade of “C+.” In 2014, the state received a cumulative GPA of a “C.” 

The following state’s transportation categories, bridges (“C+”), roads (“C+”), and transit (“D+”), saw grade increases when compared to the 2014 Report Card. These improving grades were partially due to significant new investments such as HB 170, as well as improvements to regional cooperation, such as the Atlantic Transit Link Authority (ATL). The ATL brings together Atlanta’s four transit systems under a new regional governance and aims to improve system efficiency. The grade in the ports category (“B-”) also increased, in part thanks to additional funding for the ambitious and forward-thinking the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.

Georgia’s school facilities also saw improvement in capacity and condition. Since 2014, 26 new schools have been built in Georgia and more than $1.14 billion in funding has been restored to the school system. Attention has also been placed upon the future needs of schools, setting money aside for the inevitable growth to come.While still holding a low grade, stormwater infrastructure (drains, manholes, pipes, ditches, etc.) also saw an improvement over the last five years, rising from a “D+” in 2014 to a “C-” in 2019. Nearly 20 stormwater utilities have been added within the state. The creation of utilities better enables localities to raise revenue for needed stormwater infrastructure projects. However, as the state looks to the future, Georgia’s growing population is likely to continue to stress its stormwater management infrastructure and additional action will be needed to protect water quality in streams, rivers, and lakes.

Despite the positive news of the state’s transportation and stormwater grades, two categories declined in grades and three categories remain unchanged. Solid waste (“C”) and wastewater (“D+”) grades both dropped. Due to aging infrastructure and capacity needs for future population growth, Georgia’s wastewater utilities are facing a plethora of challenges. The number of publicly-owned treatment plants increased from 306 to 334 from 2008 and 2012, and that population served by these plants reached 5.6 million. However, with Georgia’s booming population, about half of all Georgians still do not have access to public sewer service, instead relying on septic systems. The estimated municipal wastewater needs for Georgia totals $2.7 billion and most of the state’s wastewater infrastructure funding comes from sewer user fees.

While significant improvements headline the positive story of Georgia’s successes in the last five years, challenges remain, which are addressed in five key solutions to raise the grades in the 2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure:

To read the full report, visit